Contact details:
Thomas Pape
Natural History Museum of Denmark
Zoological Museum
Universitetsparken 15
DK - 2100 Copenhagen
Phone: +45 3532 1106
Fax: +45 3532 1010
E-mail: tpape@snm.ku.dk
My research is primarily focused on the taxonomy, systematics, phylogeny and evolution of oestroid flies and in particular flesh flies, woodlouse flies and bot flies.
These are small to medium-sized families, which allows me to take a global approach in my revisionary studies. Flesh flies are important decomposers, woodlouse flies are interesting for their unique association with terrestrial isopods, and bot flies are well-known for the myiasis they produce in several species of mammals, including man.
Contact details:
Neal L. Evenhuis
Bishop Museum
1525 Bernice Street
Honolulu, Hawaii 96817
Phone: 808-848-4138
Fax: 808-847-8252
E-mail: neale@bishopmuseum.org
I have been interested in the taxonomy of bee flies (Bombyliidae) and micro-bee flies (Mythicomyiidae) for the last 40+ years; and Hawaiian long-legged flies (Dolichopodidae) for the last 25+ years. Bee flies are major pollinators of many desert wildflowers and come in a variety of sizes and shapes (some mimicking wasps; others looking similar to bumble bees). Long-legged flies in Hawaii include the genus Campsicnemus that has exhibited an incredible species radiation with over 270 species of these predaceous flies found only on these remote islands in the Pacific.